Tiger Shrimp
Tiger shrimp are easy to keep and can be kept in a low ph with caridina (bee shrimp) and in a high ph with neocaridina (cherry shrimp). They can cross breed with caridina to get Tibees. Tiger Shrimp have black striped pattern, some patches of white.
2 - 4cm in size, adults grow up to 4cm
Recommended Water parameters: Fresh Water | 19-24˚C Degrees | PH Range 6.0 - 7.6 | Ammonia 0ppm | Nitrite 0ppm | Nitrate Below 20ppm
Our Tank Water parameters: Fresh Water | 19-24˚C Degrees | PH Range 7.2 - 7.6
Tank Mate Compatibility : Shrimp can be eaten by larger fish and made into an expensive meal. Angels, Gauaramis, Discus, Barbs, Loaches or anything larger than the shrimp can make a meal out of them. Shrimp can co exist with fish, especially guppies, tetras, rasboras, anything small which wouldn't be a threat to them. Providing your shrimp with hiding spots will help and the fish won't be able to pester them. Baby shrimp will most likely be eaten by any fish, so its advised to have a shrimp only tank if you wish to breed.
Feeding : You can feed your shrimp algae flakes, blanched vegetables, and all types of foods. Feed sparingly, Shrimp will feed off natural fauna and algae. We sell a range of foods, which are great for shrimp!
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